The warmest spot

Read also:

How my orange boy sits while he judges me


is this your cat? hes not lost or anything. we were chilling at a bus stop but i had to go. please reach out if he is yours i wanna know what his name is he is very polite. gordon head area, reflective orange collar with tag.


Flame has one single brain cell

Flame is strictly an indoor family member. He used his one brain cell to escape outside when my mom was taking a pic of the moon. To do what?! I don’t know. I never worry when I don’t see him puttering around the house. He’s 12 and tends to sleep in cozy spots. My poor boy was outside an hour before I noticed. His sister was smacking the window with her paws and tail to get my attention (she’s the smart orange). She fell off the window sill a few times and that’s out of the ordinary, so I looked out and saw this fella darting around the porch in a total panic. I’ve never seen him so scared before. He ran inside in a blur. So naturally he’s sitting here and staring at the door like it’s now his nemesis. My only problem is that he smells like the outside world and his siblings are furious and staring arguments. Sounds like a lot of foul language in cat growls and chirps. Never a dull moment.


Just an orange boy enjoying licks of a baguette


He can't resist a good backpack


My couch headrest purrs I don't remember it having this feature before...


Goose has quite figured out the bag


The matriarch of the house being very judgemental of my orange's typical lack of situational awareness


Goose is shrimpin


Long day of being a menace to society
