New nickname unlocked

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Auntie Ethel - Loot or accept deal

Hey, Just finished off Auntie Ethel and after a long fight I had the choice of either killing her or accepting the deal. I was wondering what is better now, I did both, miraculously rolled a nat 20 with Shadowheart bc hey I can't use my sorcerer that gets +5 and advantage on that. With that I could make a save to get the ability score improvement and save the girl. But of course couldn't help myself and kill the hag, and I have to say I like her staff a lot! (+2 to saving throws!) What guys do you think is better to get? I am leaning towards the staff but of course idk if sth way better comes around as weapons change but ability score is forever. (Bonus question, how do you skill shadowheart? No clue really, improved her wisdom but think strength is better as she is my tank, but never hits anything with her cool shiny weapon. So I got the strength bonus for her, or maybe my favorite frog girl (The only frog girl in my party^^))


Avenge The Drowned help

Hello I’m pretty sure this mission is deadlocked for me but I just want to make sure, it says to keep investigating and I know Redhammer should be there in the middle, but he’s not spawned in. Is this because I killed Gortash?


Generalised anxiety disorder


Larian knows the real reason why I do what I do...


The Myth of Party Approval


Someone kept a sex slave in Steel Watch Foundry...


Tried drawing Karlach from memory

Haven't drawn a portrait in a while now, let alone without a reference.


Had me panicking at the start after seeing its level/HP, ngl


Downvote me all you want this is how some of you come across


Lae'zel still threatens to leave when you're in the creche.
