Why is this not a brilliant move? (I’m black)

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Can someone explain what happened

I ran aot of time yet its a draw by timeout vs insufficient material . Don't get me wrong I like the fact that I didn't lose but I want to know what happened.


How is Qc6 not checkmate? It's says M4


Mate in?


Why is this such a bad move? I don’t see any threats


I'm white. Do I have a chance?


I got accused of cheating and then of sandbagging...

I am so triggered right now. So I was playing a Blitz game and my opponent was losing very badly. I got busy and needed to do something so when I came back and made a move he messaged "weird engine check" I told him I would never cheat. He then told me that "chess.com" will decide. I seriously doubt that it will matter because I DON'T cheat and I know that the way they find out someone cheating is usually pretty inconclusive. Extremely rude and bothers me really bad. I messaged him after the game saying that I would never cheat again and that I'm perfectly fine with "chess.com" deciding because I don't cheat. He then messaged me back and said that "maybe you didn't cheat, but you are a sandbagger. end of that story." I'm just tired of arguing with him at this point. But I'm not a sandbagger either. I try to win every game. Although at times I've felt and recently wanted to ask here if my Blitz to Rapid comparison makes any sense. I feel I should be higher rated in Blitz but I'm not despite trying to win every game. I have one of the largest Blitz to Rapid ratings I've ever seen and a little part of me is worried that I could somehow get in trouble for sandbagging. They're NOT going to find any intentional losses in my games. Anyway, my Blitz rating is currently 837 with a peak of 1070. My rapid rating is 1398 with a peak of 1505. Honestly I really feel like my Blitz rating should be higher, but despite trying to win every game it isn't anywhere NEAR my rapid rating and I am like 0% worried of being "caught" as a cheater because I'm not one, but I'm like 1% worried because of this that I could be banned because of sandbagging even though I don't do that either. What do you guys think? A huge gap like this doesn't mean anything right? I do try to win every game. I just don't play as well with 3-5 minute time controls.


I thought this was a drawn position


Capitalize on White's mistake! M6 for Black


Why is this Briliant ?


Game analysis requested

Two of my coworkers are playing otb throughout the day. White claims to not know their rating, black claims to be about mid 1800s otb. I am still fairly new and would like to play the host (its whites board and pieces at his desk) what are the odd that white can vote back and win and how far behind is he?
