Cat vomiting last couple of days

Hello all, I have a 4yr old kitty and shes been vomiting clear, mucus looking, sometimes a little foamy liquid for the last couple of days. It's usually a small puddle and then she'll yowl a couple of times and then act normal. She'll even eat right after sometimes. I haven't changed her food or feeding habits in general. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance.

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Spayed cat

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Found a kitten left alone outside house

Posting for my boyfriend. He found a kitten alone outside his house. It’s a stray and dirty, there were parent cats around but they left this kitten abandoned and the rest were with them so they took in the cat. They got the gunk out of the kitten’s eyes but they look irritated. They don’t have any kitten milk and they only have adult wet food. Is that safe to feed them? It is late and they can’t get anything nothing is open. The kitten is too scared to do anything, eat or drink. I know they will likely need to give them some space and let them calm down and eat/drink when they are ready. Also wondering if their eyes are okay or if it’s the beginning of an upper respiratory infection. Thank you!!


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Drooly cat

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Cat is lethargic and won't eat since yesterday. What do I do? Possible reasons below.

So the possible reasons are: 1. The other cat my family adopted died yesterday. . That cat was bloated for a few days, really skinny, very lethargic, and would not eat. My cat in the pic, Cookie, only became lethargic yesterday as well. I'm so worried she got infected with whatever disease or illness the other cat mightve had, or she's having some kind of health reaction from his death. 2. Stress. The house is currently being worked and painted on, so the place is messy and various paints and smells are everywhere. Whenever she is stressed by outside factors, she often becomes better after a few days when nothings bothering her anymore. 3. Her spinal pain might be coming back. She was diagnosed to have spinal damage a few months ago, but has since been temporarily treated and medicated. She has always walked funny but she was limping for a while earlier. I can give her the medication for a few days again if this is the case. Considering everything, what is the best course of action for me right now? Do I just wait and see if she feels better after a few days? Do I bring her to the vet straight tomorrow? What should I even say? Her current behavior is similar to when she is stressed, but I don't know if I should be lax about it since the family's other cat just died yesterday, she might have gotten a disease or illness that might cause her to die as well.
