Blood in Urine

I’m calling my vet in the morning, but hoping to get some opinions here in the meantime. Background: my Sweet Baby Tanns is 18 and is just a week out of a week stay in the hospital. The doctor believed she was taken down by a UTI but was never able to confirm with a urine sample and gave her antibiotics just in case. She’s been receiving fluids, is drinking well, and is eating great without a stimulant. Until today we had not noticed anything unusual with her urine or poo. Could this be the final remnants of a clearing UTI, or the start of a new one, or something else?

Read also:

Swollen lip, no other symptoms

Hi does anyone know what this is?? he’s otherwise healthy and eating normally


Giardia medication help!

My fresh adoptee has been diagnosed with giardia. The vet reckons it’s from the shelter because it’s rare for cats to get it so it’s not normally tested for. Her stool sample was positive both microscopically and with antigen testing. Now she’s prescribed panacur granules that she takes no problem mixed up in a churu treat and metronidazole tiny tab (50 mg) that I’m supposed to crush up into bland food. I crushed it up into the food we have (Sheba perfect portions cuts) and she barely touched it. My questions are a) about how much of the medication does she need to eat before it’s considered a “dose”? Obviously all of it would be ideal, but I’d say she got about half of it tonight. b) how can I hide it better for her? I’ve taken away the dry food that she usually free feeds from so that she’s definitely hungry when food/med time comes around. I don’t know how to force a cat to eat a pill! Cat tax


Has anyone else experienced this?

I came home to cat vomit all over my couch and this was the first time I’ve ever seen blood in it I’m going to call the vet, but has anyone experienced this? What could be causing this?


What do I do about this?


URGENT Post spay, take to emergency vet?

URGENT My female cat had her spay surgery today and she is bleeding, I feel like a lot from the incision site. She is eating, peeing, etc normally. All is normal EXCEPT the bleeding and it’s stressing me out. From the second she came back home she, she wouldn’t/wont stop climbing and jumping on things. I have to constantly watch her. I know the jumping on and off of things are the cause of the bleeding. Do I need to take her to an ER vet immediately, or can I wait for the regular vet that spayed her until tomorrow?


Picky eater (17 years old)

My 17 year old lady has been very picky with eating lately. Typically she grazes on her hydrolyzed protein (for inflammatory bowel disease). And Fancy Feast pate twice a day. Recently she stopped being interested in the dry food and became “ravenous” for wet food, eating 4+ servings a day. I fed her when she asked cos she’s old and I didn’t want her to starve. Vet diagnosed her with hyperthyroidism. I have been administering meds for that for 2 weeks now. Now she will barely eat anything. She will go to the kitchen to ask for food, but when I serve it she will look at it and walk away. I’ve tried many types of wet food, mixing it with dry food, sardines, tuna, red salmon, boiled chicken. She will nibble at something if she hasn’t eaten in a while then leave the rest. She seems to have always liked seafood pate but it’s not always a win. I’ll call the vet tomorrow. But wondering if anyone has ever had this happen with their kitty?



Y’all please help me, so for background my 4mo kitty girl always tries to steal my food. Earlier today I had myself a nice donut with chocolate frosting on top. I left the room really fast and when I came back she was licking the freaking chocolate frosting! I kicked her off immediately but I’m not sure how much she was able to get. Damage to the pastry didn’t look to bad after inspection. It’s been a been a few hours now and she seems fine besides maybe a bit of sugar rush from the micro dosage of sugar (example photo for your laughs) but of course I’m still worried. Should I be worried? I’m already taking her to the vet on Friday for a check up.


please help.

my kitten lives outside, around a week ago she developed a lump on her throat i told my mom about it and she said we can’t afford a vet right now, tonight i brought her up to my room to hangout and feed her a bit when i remembered the lump, when i check on it it looked like this, she’s still active and normal is very happy i texted the picture to my mom who is asleep, i live on a farm and my mom knows a lot about animal health for now i asked her to pick up antibiotics to make sure it doesn’t get infected if we can afford them. does anyone know what this is, it was just a big lump under the skin a few days ago.


Cat vomiting last couple of days

Hello all, I have a 4yr old kitty and shes been vomiting clear, mucus looking, sometimes a little foamy liquid for the last couple of days. It's usually a small puddle and then she'll yowl a couple of times and then act normal. She'll even eat right after sometimes. I haven't changed her food or feeding habits in general. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance.


My cat won’t stop licking both of his feet. Is there a way to help with this behavior?
