The reflection of this statue

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What did these mechanical rides take?!


A Letterbox near me


my work place


I'm catsitting and made the mistake of looking up. Ceiling in client's house.


Are her gums too pale?

I can’t tell because I’m naturally an overthinker when it comes to her. Do her gums look okay? Worried about anemia. Or could it be something else like deyhydration? Sometimes her gums are a more full/obvious pink colour than this. For context she has mild HCM and has a heart scan once a year. Has been sleeping more today but might be because of the heat in our location atm? What do you guys think?


Cat just got spayed yesterday she is shedding like crazy and is refusing water at any point is this normal? (More info in description)

She's always shed a good amount but this feels like if I touch her too much I'm going to wind up with a sphinx at the end of the day and when I try to get her to drink water she just puts her face near it and then walks away


6 months old kitten meows when he uses the litter box

he's done this since he was young and nothing was wrong during his first vet visit. he is perfectly playful, has normal looking stool, eats and drinks like a kitten his age should. anything I should be worried about or is he just a tad weird? cat tax pic.


Why does she do this whenever someone calls her name? It’s not life threatening or anything but I’m just genuinely curious.


My cat keeps breaking the “fins” on my window unit to get outside. How do i prevent him from getting out?

i’ve tried cardboard and he just scratched it down and still escaped. Please help, it’s starting to really stress me out.


Blue Buffalo Food Question?

Does anyone have a cat who developed intestinal issues and or tumors due to this dry food? Thanks in advance!
