The Voynich Manuscript is a mysterious manual from the 15th century in Central Europe. It contains text in an unknown language and bright illustrations of women, plants, and astronomy. (Read more in 1st comment)

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Five Siblings were born on the same date, but different years. Catherine Cummings,(1952)Carol Cummings (1953) Charles Cummings (1956) Claudia Cummings(1961) Cecillia Cummings (1966) were all born on February 20th. The odds of this happening are 17 billion to 1.


In 2005, the Powerball lottery had 130 2nd place winners, totalling 19million $. Lottery officials suspected fraud, but it turned out the Wonton Food Company had correctly predicted the numbers in their fortune cookies. The fortune cookie read “All of the preparation you’ve done will finally pay off


Matt Stutzman. The man who currently holds the world record for the farthest and accurate shot (283.47m)! He was born without arms! The ‘armless archer’ taught himself to expertly use bow and arrow using his feet and shoulders. He broke the record on 9th Dec 2015.


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An experiment that took place in 1974 shows that, and artist Marina Abramović was not sure that she could finish her performance alive. (Read more in 1st comment)


Centuripe is a town located in the province of Enna in Sicily, Italy. It is situated on a hilltop at an elevation of about 800 meters above sea level, and it has a population of approximately 5,000 people.


Tapeworm Diet Pills

In Victorian England, women’s beauty standards of the time believed that, “it is a woman’s business to be beautiful”. But it was also believed that woman should, “eat as little as will satisfy her appetite; never allowing herself, however, to rise from the table hungry”. This spawned the popularity of the Tapeworm Diet. Woman would take a pill containing a tapeworm egg. Once hatched, the tapeworm would grow and consume what the host eats. The problem begins when you reach your ideal weight and you want to remove the tapeworm. One method includes holding a glass of milk in front of the patient’s anus and waiting with a hammer. Another method involves inserting a cylinder with food down the throat of a patient, which sometimes caused the patient to choke to death. Tapeworm diet pills are now illegal in some countries like the USA and Australia.


The Kashmir giants were the spectacle that took all the attention of the crowd. One of the Kashmir giants had a stature of 7’9″ (2.36m) tall. And the other giant had a height of 7’4″ (2.23m). As per the sources, they were twin brothers. (Read more in 1st comment)


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The Ancient Battery of Baghdad has intrigued archaeologists ever since its discovery. Was it the world’s earliest known battery cell? Or something more mundane? (Read more in 1st comment)
