What were you doing when your game crashed? The first time I was fighting some leper gnomes and I was dead when I logged back in. Fortunately for me, this little beauty decided to wait for me to fly from Ironforge to Stormwind. Annoying, but very survivable. Can't wait to see what's next.

Read also:

How it feels when someone tells you to transfer from HC to era server


Elune is the most useless goddess


Malfurion Stormrage (Warcraft character) by IvanCi


Warrior and his healer friend left RFK group after Corpsemaker didn't drop, leaving 3 dps with 24 hour lockout and 0 quests complete. We already agreed to skip Escort quest after they demanded that we didn't do it, even though we all needed it. HC Community isn't always that great.


Guess they aren’t doing stocks agane


We were both running towards the same mobs, sent an invite so we could perhaps kill together and get this response, am I missing something?


Be wary of OG - UC zeppelin

Got ported out near Brill, fell to my death. Oh well, I gave HC a shot. Stay safe & alive!


Imagine getting all the way to 55 and then clicking on something you don't recognize just to check it out. Blood of Heroes trolling clothies since vanilla.


Mods - what is going on in the sunken temple thread? Why are people joking about this potential suicide not being banned?


Sunny bathroom at a bed and breakfast in Virginia
