A city of German Dugouts and Sandbagged Positions at The Bluff, Ypres Salient c.1916-17.

Read also:

Giant Asian Hornets


Sailing Cultural History

This could be a long write. Longer than your short life, and longer than multiple of your lives. Normally you don’t meet your maritime history, and often you don’t think much about it, when you do. Mostly everything you define as and take for granted today, is a legacy of your cultural maritime history.


ISRO releases 3D ‘anaglyph’ images of the moon’s surface (Chandrayaan-3)


Artist rendering of Oumuamua entering earth's atmosphere


The Solar System from my backyard last week ft. the Blue Supermoon, Saturn at opposition, and Jupiter with its 4 Galilean moons


'Terrible Tilly' lighthouse off the Oregon coast - built in 1881, abandoned 75 years later due to its dangerous inaccessibility before being used as a columbarium for several decades - basically it wasn't spooky enough so someone crammed it full of ghosts [OC]


Fastest animal on earth

Today I went to the amazing Birds of Prey Centre in Huby, York. One of their peregrine falcons (this one) was clocked at 185mph which is the fastest ever recorded. We had an amazing day, the staff were brilliant and I thoroughly recommend you check it out and see this boy for yourself! (Sorry for terrible pic)


Glittertind, Norway, glacier gone poof


Comet Nishimura on September 6, 2023 (Credit: Gerald Rhemann)


Broke down fire truck
