This Clown 🤡

Read also:

Everybody hates me!

The back sticker says, "LOVED BY MANY HATED BY MOST." I didn't see the Confederate flag at first and thought the sticker was about the driver at first. I thought, "Oh, it's another white conservative Christian who thinks they're hated by 'the world.' " Then I saw the flag. Ah. It's probably about the driver and that flag. Also note the American flag and the Confederate flag on the same vehicle. So stupid.


Was watching SBS 'Insight' and thought they showed the same person twice!!! 😲😲


Anyone seen these before? 15% alcohol, 4.4 standard drinks in a can, contains caffeine...

Saw this and was surprised how heavy duty it is. Swilling a 6 pack would be ~26 standard drinks. Maybe best popped in the petrol tank?


Why is there a (GP) gap?

Since we have so many posts around rising GP costs, this chart is a good illustration of what is occurring.


What’s this?


Humpback Whales, Broome


What happened in Adelaide that required Avengers involvement?

Was rewatching Civil War on a flight and the Avengers Collateral Damage map had Adelaide pin pointed. Wondered what couldve happened?!


Record breaking admission of 92,000 people at Nebraska v Omaha women’s volleyball game. 5% of Nebraska population were present in that stadium.


In the 1950s, former NFL coach Jimmy Johnson attended high school with singer Janis Joplin in Texas. There, he and other jocks at the school relentlessly bullied Janis by groping her and spreading rumors around school that she’d slept with their friends because she "looked and acted weird".


The old bunkers on Suomenlinna island, Helsinki look like Hobbit homes
