10 straight blocks of red lights.

San Francisco, CA.

Read also:

Now I have to get a new band...

Backstory: I was in the "locker room" of sorts, and someone just ran into me, and the watch flew off of my hand... The watch still works btw


Why would u not peel it

Why do people do this!!! At least check if ur going to get a free drink THEY DIDN'T EVEN FINISH THE FOOD


Spam email for donations hides the unsub link under plain "unsubscribe" link instead of the "here", while donation and support links are green, underlined, and the actual "click here" text is the link.


Packed a big lunch and was really excited about it just to find out i grabbed the wrong lunch box


McDonalds chilli cheese snacker without any cheese


Kansas City Veterans Affairs Hospital disabled parking. Guess me and my mobility devices can get f*cked.


Package vs actual product

Its more expensive too


My nine year old sister decided to test out her makeup on the wall by kissing it?!


Why is AAA service still so bad??

I called for a tow 11am. At that time the wait was an hour. Cool, that works. Driver calls me at noon saying he was 24 minutes away. Never shows... An hour later I call back, "please be patient, I'm sure he's on his way" AN HOUR AND A HALF LATER - I call back "sry we don't have anyone to service your vehicle, we're working on finding someone with the right equipment that can give you a tow" - I drive a GMC Sierra, a standard full size pickup.


Somebody's classic car was vandalized by a climate activist.
