I don't give a fuck, you already bought them

Read also:

Does this one count as manslaughter?


Very Specific Murder


She deleted this post soon after.


Tell me about your expertise, and bear in mind that YouTube doesn't count


How to sand African Padauk- 40 grit no progress on saw marks or water marks

Ready to rent a floor sander to make some damn progress Keep in mind there are metal stabilizers so a planer is out


Unnaturally yellow. Chemically treated?

So I got this small piece with some slabs of cypress and mesquite from a local kiln/shop from their offcut pile. Planned it down a bit and it is like highlighter yellow inside (the photo really doesn't do it justice just how unnaturally yellow it is). What could possibly cause this? The color goes all the way through the heart wood but the sap seems unaffected. Some sort of chemical treatment? Should I be concerned about working it?


Second pen - Not perfect, but progress!

Obviously, can't expect perfection two tries in, but I'm super happy with this one! Also, I mean, olive wood just makes anything look good. Can't wait to do some more, I'm hooked!


The king bed frame I made

It doesn't hold a candle to most of the work I see on here but I like it and my wife was impressed so I call it a success! I was kinda broke after the mattress, so its 2x4s and plywood with cedar side panels to dress it up.


First major project complete: kitchen trolley


Help a noob please

This is probably a super easy question for you guys but I have next to zero woodworking knowledge and am not very “handy” so I’d appreciate some help. I accidentally left a bottle of cleaner on my wooden table. The fluid contains a solution to erase printed text from packaging (usually used for privacy for letters and packages with names and addresses) Spilt liquid was probably on table for about 1 entire week. It looks as if the top layer is gone and the texture of the “hole” is a little soft and rough in comparison to the smooth surroundings. Is there a cheap fix for this ? This isn’t an expensive table and I’m just wanting to patch it up, for functionality and so it’s not an eyesore. I’m not looking to make this a piece of art and just want to know what I gotta buy to fix this. Any insight is highly appreciated
