Oh god this guy is an asshole to his girlfriend.

Over fucking vrchat. He’s still gonna try and kill me, by the way

Read also:

why am i doomposting look at this immie its sick asf (sometimes reddit hates me its annoying)


Oyasumi nasai


What’s your favourite band, I’ll start


Idfk bored


Feet more like beet


This is a real app on the app store 😭


If ever I think crime should pay off, it's in this case! Such a happy boy!


My Dad Kept Asking To Come Over After He Missed My Son's First Birthday Party Because Of Covid. Turns Out He Made Him 8 Custom Wooden Toy Cars


So I Was Getting Ready To Crop This, But Just Look How Happy The Dad Is


Every Step Counts

Guys, I just have to tell someone: Today I made my first sale. I haven’t been able to work for several months as we wait on visa regulations and my partner has been working so hard (LDR so he’s doing the hard yards). I decided there had to be a way to help him out so I’ve spent the last month and a half reading business books and brainstorming ideas. A few weeks ago I got to work creating my business. It’s been up and running for almost a week now and today I received my first sale. I know it’s still early days and there are still a lot of small details to hash out, but I’m so excited. I haven’t told him about it yet as I want to surprise him by paying off the last of his loans with the profit! But today was a good day.
