The show we should have gotten.

Palpatine's rise to power. Imagine a game of thrones style show (without the pornographic bits) about all the intrigue and manipulation leading to the grand plan that set it all in motion. You could dedicate an arch to his master Plaugeis controlling the banking clan and influencing the trade federation. His dealings with the night sisters and training Maul. Even how he met Dooku and used him to influence Syfa Dias. And for sequel fans, who his mistress was.

Read also:

I know that aint how it prolly works.


Sabine Wren by me


I want to depress everyone today. When Kanan shaves his facial hair in Rebels You truly see how young he actually is. He was only 32 years old when he sacrificed himself.


Could a Jedi become so powerful in the force, they’d achieve power levels like in Chronicle?


I just watched the third Mandalorian season and though I liked it overall I feel like this episode went nowhere. What was even this guy's plan?


Here’s a little something I’ve been working on, The Obi-Ani saber

Now I just gotta get it installed.


Vader X Spiderman

Just found it somewhere and thought it would be nice to share it here. The name of the artist is Aeolianwind on Facebook, on Instagram too


I have working knowledge of 40K lore but know almost nothing about the game. Ask me anything about the game and I will answer as best as I can.


We must prepare Holy Terra


Same applies to the legion of the damned
