I never buy from them now

Read also:

My thoughts on Marrok

While the articles, videos and discussions have been entertaining, I couldn't help but think that most people were looking too much into Marrok. It seemed to me from the start that he was more or less a filler bad guy. The writers probably thought (rightly) that adding a mystery character would captivate some attention, and they probably knew that the show would become more compelling with both sides taking a loss at some point (there was no way it was going to be Baylon, Shin or Morgan). Introducing him as an Inquisitor worked with the story and tugged at our nostalgia. I just felt like if he was more important (Starkiller, Ezra, Barris, etc.) the show would have hinted at it. But I don't recall the show ever leading us to feel he was going to be some big shocking character reveal. Not once did Ahsoka or Sabine really question or ponder about who it could be or why there was even an Inquisitor there to begin with, and they didn't seem to fear him that much. The show definitely played up Baylon and Shin a lot more. Marrok just seemed like a tag along. Even Morgan didn't seem surprised/upset that he wasn't with them when they returned to the ship before jumping to hyperspace (Ep. 4). Put it this way; I was a little confused that everybody was talking so much about Marrok because when I watched it, the show never implied *to me* that he was going to be *that* important. Maybe I missed something, but I quickly categorized him as 'random mystery man bad guy'. IDK I think it was a good little twist, and definitely still worth an explanation, but it seemed like people were kinda grasping at straws. It was fun to theorize and think about though. Now I'm starting to wonder though if he was even necessary...


Any chance we see the Bendu again?

Would love to see the Bendu in live action! Does anybody see any way they could work him into Ahsoka or the Heir to the Empire movie?


Princess Leia painting

I did this painting recently! It's not available but I made canvas prints. (And do customs 🥳) https://mollygardnerart.com/products/from-the-darkness-there-comes-a-light-canvas-print


My Star Wars band has our first show tomorrow

We’re playing stonermetal and I sing entirely in Huttese. More official pics to come but I’m just so excited I have to share! The album will be out in the next month, we’re called Sliimo


Order 66 Head Cannon

With Baylan Skoll being yet another Order 66 survivor, do you guys have a head Cannon in which you have any specific Jedi you'd have die in Order 66 and survive it?


Babylon's design

Am I the only one who thinks his design is too "clean"?. Like he's supposed to be an ex-Jedi trainee turned mercenary to survive while fighting for a greater good, then why does he not have scars or any other feature who would make him more "experienced warrior like". I really like the character and we do know very little about him but I can't get over the fact that he resembles my father when he gets out of the barber, with his perfectly cut hair and mustache. What do you think?


The only complaint I have with the ashoka show is the fact the prosthetic used for her head makes her less expressive.


Wonder, what happened to Eli N. Vanto after the collapse of the Empire?


The show we should have gotten.

Palpatine's rise to power. Imagine a game of thrones style show (without the pornographic bits) about all the intrigue and manipulation leading to the grand plan that set it all in motion. You could dedicate an arch to his master Plaugeis controlling the banking clan and influencing the trade federation. His dealings with the night sisters and training Maul. Even how he met Dooku and used him to influence Syfa Dias. And for sequel fans, who his mistress was.


I know that aint how it prolly works.
