How to make this proper with p-trap and sink strainer?

So I got a new basket, plumbers putty and pvc glue…need advice on PVC pipe fittings. Water leaks from the hose to the dishwasher and also under the basket. Never did any plumbing before but handy with tools. All advice appreciated…thanks !

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How bad is this? Looks janky AF

My building has been “upgrading” its plumbing, since the work in the pic was done the water pressure in my shower has been severely reduced. The maintenance crew is going to attempt to fix it tomorrow, but seeing this I’m sort of doubting their ability to do so lol


Tank lid ID?

The tank lid on my friend's toilet has been broken for a long time and I'd like to buy him a replacement for his birthday. I only have this one photo that he sent me and no idea the brand name (id ask but i wanna make it a surprise) Any help would be appreciated.


Is this setup correct ?

Hi everyone, I just bought a house with a pool and I’m trying to get the heating system to work. After a bit of troubleshooting there is hot water coming to/from the heat exhanger so I reckon that’s ok for that part but the temperature of the water in the pool won’t rise the slightest even after a whole day. My next guess would be an improper setup of the bypass valves but if I’m not wrong on how those valves work it should be in a « 100% of the water goes through the heat exchanger » mode. And yes the pump is running, kinda hard to tell what path the water is taking by feeling the pipes because the pressure is not that high and the whole thing is rumbling due to the filtering and heating systems running.. Thanks !


my sink always stinks, is something wrong?

this is how my apartment complex has the sinks hooked up, brand new disposal but it always smells like old food.


Sink plug is stuck down

Bit of a stupid question but can’t figure out how to raise the sink plug back up after I’ve stuck it down? Any help or ideas are greatly appreciated


Strong sewer smell in a tiny bathroom. Could the lack of caulking and sponge being used to level the toilet be the problem?




I'll drink to that




just this week
