Someone explain this to me?

How does fining Network Rail (a public body) make any difference apart from taking more money out of the railways and increasing the likelihood of shortcuts and safety issues in the future?

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What is your opinion on JFK?


What Vice President would have done better had they served as President instead of the President they served under?


Obviously the ripple effects of a presidency can last forever, but how long after a president's term ends should scholars wait before they can honestly, genuinely evaluate the legacy and the full positive/negative impacts of that president's administration? 20 years 30 years? More than that?


While studying at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Jimmy Carter was once viciously beaten by a northern-born upperclassman because he refused his demand to sing "Marching Through Georgia", a Civil War song commemorating the March to the Sea by General Sherman through Carter's home state.


In the spirit of the new NFL season starting - What is your favorite non-typical or obscure issue a President has supported. TIL: Nixon was instrumental in changing the NFLs TV Blackout rules in part because he was a huge Washington Football Team fan (PC name).


(September 7, 1977) President Jimmy Carter and Panamanian Chief of Government Omar Torrijos signed the Panama Canal Treaty and Neutrality Treaty. This relinquished American control over the canal and transferred authority to the Panama Canal Authority on December 31, 1999.


Did Millard Fillmore handle Japanese affairs well?


I got Truman's face stamped on me at a music venue called The Truman on Truman Rd in Kansas City.


When Trump was based


What is the most messed up thing a President has ever done that is not widely known to the public?

We all know the Presidential atrocities. Watergate, Iran Contra, sabotaging peace talks, defying Supreme Court measures. But what are the really screwed up things Presidents have done that almost nobody seems to know about?
