One of the smallest stone spheres of Costa Rica, 7 inch tall, Stone Sphere, approximately 20 pounds. Diquis Delta, Jade Museum. [3024x4032].

Read also:

2,193 Year Old Greco-Bactrian Silver Tetradrachm Of Eucratides I The Great / The Dioscuri On Horseback. From my personal collection (Afghanistan, Year 170 to 145 BC) [3000 x 1409]


Ancient Roman pin made of ivory and gold, c. 2nd–3rd century CE. [2882x3842]


Statuette of the Goddess Taweret Ptolemaic Period 332–30 B.C. [OS] [3001x4000]


Portrait of an ancient woman. The painting was found in a cemetery in the Fayoum oasis (most of it was found in the necropolis in Hawara) and is one of many of this type found in this place. The object is in the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest (Hungary). [1200x1600]


22nd Dynasty gold uraeus (943 to 716 BCE). Uraei, cobras in the reading pose, are generally associated with crowns worn by royalty and deities, and were symbols of divine authority and rulership. [800×1200]


Pythagoras (centre) teaches 8 other physicians (Andromachus the Elder, Andromachus the Younger, Heraclides, Philagrius, Proclus, Magnus of Mesa, & Galen). From the Kitab al-Diryaq (Book of Antidotes), an 1198 Arabic medical treatise + collection of tales about these nine Greek physicians. [751x1024]


Marble bust of Eutropius, a 4th century Eastern Roman official who rose to prominence during the reign of emperor Arcadius. He was the 1st eunuch to become a consul in the Roman empire. Found in Ephesus in Turkey, 450 CE, now housed at the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna [1791x3469]


The Hove amber cup (dated to c. 1750-1550 BCE) was discovered in a great round barrow mound that was crudely excavated in 1856 in Hove, England. The cup is made from a single piece of amber from northern Europe, suggesting trade links between England and the Baltic [928x857]


Anthropomorphic ceramic figure, central region of Costa Rica. 500-800 A.D. [6000x6000].


Wooden sewing or jewelry box inlaid with mother-of-pearl, tortoiseshell and silver. Guatemala, last third 18th c. LACMA collection [2100x1597]
