Metal Bat colored by me! 🔥

Read also:

King is all over the place


One of the best covers I've ever seen.


Killer Move: Serious Series- Omnidirectional Serious Punch ( pencil)


Happy Birthday to Masaya Matsukaze (VA: Suiryu)


Happy 47th birthday to Matsukaze Masaya who voices as Suiryu


Garou mug number 2


Am i sick to imagine a world where they actually gets caught and we get to see a glimpse of metal bat fights against all of them at once the(s-lvl ones)


Cutting TV material to movies

Hello there! I'll try this one more time because in my previous post, not a single person answered my question, so... If you could create a new Star Wars trilogy instead of the Disney trilogy and you have to use for it The Mandalorian series, The Book of Boba Fett and the Ahsoka Season 1, what did these 2 (maybe 3-hour) films contain and what would you definitely leave out? Would it mainly be about the introduction of Djin Djarin and the return of Grogu to the Jedi or rather Ahsoka's fight against Thrawn? For myself, I think that I would definitely show the return of Boba Fett in the movies, but leave him in a minimal role, which his character works best. If it's up to me then in the first movie I would combine Season 1 and Season 2 of The Mandalorian where I would introduce audience to Din Djarin and his mission to retrieve Grogu to the Jedi. I would cut most of the filler episodes but I would leave the one with Ahsoka and Morgan Elsbeth which will be important for the second film. Obviously this first movie would end with that Season 2 Luke reveal and Season 3 would be ignored all along. In the second movie I would (maybe) combine scenes of Luke, Grogu and Mando from The Book of Boba Fett (mostly episodes 5-7) and I would cut most of Boba flashbacks and his Godfather role on Tatooine. Ahsoka episodes would be trimmed to match 3-hour cut with Boba Fett material. And the third movie would be the one that Dave Filoni will direct in near future and act as the finale to the new sequel trilogy. I know it's hard to speculate if we don't saw the ending of Ahsoka season 1 or the Dave Filloni Mando-verse movie but I use what I've got. I dont ask your opinion of the quality of the shows I just wanna know how would you cut the existing material to cteate two 3-hour movies but still in the style and essence of Star Wars movies. Thanks for your racional and respectful comments.


My one, and I mean ONE, criticism about Ahsoka is the fact that THIS MAN dresses like a homeless knight from the medieval period, but has the best-kept beard in the entire galaxy. The bottom-half of his hilt must be a hair trimmer because it's crazy at this point...


my clone armour Ahsoka cosplay
