32 miles round trip no thanks..

Read also:

What’s your area look like?

I always crack up when I hear people that are in a highly populated area bickering about how they don’t get brought back into a hotspot or how it’s not busy. Here’s what my area looks like on the daily. It’s crazy how a tourist area could be so dead. Also, I know it’s out of season; but this is what it always looks like unfortunately. What do your areas look like?


Nice surprise this morning 🙌🏼

I was just chilling this morning, when all of a sudden I got a notification from Dasher direct - $100 deposit out of no where 😯 I immediately transferred it over to my checking account lol 😂 and checked the dasher app and this was in my earnings. Which was a nice surprise because I haven’t worked since Monday. 🤷‍♀️ going out tonight though to add to this $100 that just kick started my weekend earnings. Thanks Doordash 💕


Dasher just left his hot bag at my place 😂

I guess he didn't want it. Messaged him saying he left it here but he never responded


Has your team's hitting and pitching improved or worsened in the 2nd half of the season?


The starting lineups the last time the Brewers played at Yankee Stadium - July 7, 2017



one of metal gear solid's main antagonists


yeah, imagine that


Anon criticizes one piece (Heil Spez)


Tim, the toxic teammate


Actually extremely infuriating; but I stopped and picked up a tote full of kittens and a momma cat on my way to work this morning. Delivered them safely to the shelter, 1/2 a mile away.
