So I did not receive one of my orders and I explain in detail what was wrong and I still get this crap.

I did a double dash order where I ordered Taco Bell and some Boba drinks from a place near the Taco Bell. Dasher picks up both orders, drops off only the Taco Bell, takes a picture and leaves. I open the front door and see only one of two orders so I file a claim for it missing but the picture of the Taco Bell order triggers the stupid AI “check the photo!” I escalate to a supposedly real person but that’s doubtful since all they said in chat was “we’re gonna escalate this to specialists” that don’t know how to look at a photo since they sent this email back to me. I’m just so fucking pissed off right now.

Read also:

We got the wrong order and…

The real cause of the potato famine


Anyone know the reason for my card being unavailable?


an online store used doordash as their shipping method for a pair of $200 sneakers 🤦🏽‍♂️


This restaurant name is very unfortunate

Spring Valley is a mostly black town and somehow they named this restaurant 3ks? I haven't been there or seen the restaurant but I'm assuming its a ghost kitchen that was made by somebody who doesn't know what they did.


Replaced item with "son of a trash can"!?

Replaced item with "son of a trash can"!? My first order of the day gave me a good laugh. They didn't have an item the customer wanted, so they replaced it with something called son of a trash can haha. First off, that sounds yummy (sarcasm). Second, WTF Is a son of a trash can


32 miles round trip no thanks..


What’s your area look like?

I always crack up when I hear people that are in a highly populated area bickering about how they don’t get brought back into a hotspot or how it’s not busy. Here’s what my area looks like on the daily. It’s crazy how a tourist area could be so dead. Also, I know it’s out of season; but this is what it always looks like unfortunately. What do your areas look like?


Nice surprise this morning 🙌🏼

I was just chilling this morning, when all of a sudden I got a notification from Dasher direct - $100 deposit out of no where 😯 I immediately transferred it over to my checking account lol 😂 and checked the dasher app and this was in my earnings. Which was a nice surprise because I haven’t worked since Monday. 🤷‍♀️ going out tonight though to add to this $100 that just kick started my weekend earnings. Thanks Doordash 💕


Dasher just left his hot bag at my place 😂

I guess he didn't want it. Messaged him saying he left it here but he never responded


Has your team's hitting and pitching improved or worsened in the 2nd half of the season?
