When is Ex UFC fighter Jake Shields gonna come on as a guest?

Read also:

Joe Rogan thinks he has a rough idea how the universe works. Joe Rogan after a first year college Physics class


Sorta wish that all of protect our parks episodes were only in this format besides when the screen is shown.


When will Joe WAKE UP and realize birds aren't real?


Fight Companion for tomorrow's fights

Gonna miss Eddie, but Sam is good replacement


Unpopular Opinion: Gavin Mcinnes was one of the best guests, and they produced some of the funniest podcasts together


Bickie tactics

FFS every fuckin time, EVERY FUCKIN TIME! I kick back fresh mug of maccona med roast coffee, got tha house to myself I flip on the playstation load up and think......fuck I could go a Monty Carlo or a Kingston, or a choc and cream, I grab the bickies crack them open and NOPE FUCK YOU PAL, have an orange cream you povo cunt. The Australian tradition of leaving these cunts for some poor asshole to find


The box of Father’s Day Favourites almost a week later. It’s always the way.


$200 cash withdrawal limit on transactions are now being enacted in supermarkets


Canola near Harden, NSW.


What has happened to Musks?

These musks seem to have disappeared from the world. I heard a whisper that they aren’t making them anymore. I was hoping someone might know what the story is?
