Has anyone read Spider-Man: Fake Red? I just finished it, absolutely fantastic. Art goes hard af and it truly feels like the authour understands Spider-Man. If you're tired of reading Zeb's wild ride I can't recommend enough.

Read also:

Scott Johnson's Peter Parker artwork from a children's storybook


What a good comic book!


Why do you think Peter is so damn submissive and passive to Miguel in ATSV? shouldn't he be like, the second in command of The Spider Society? After all, he's just as experienced and powerful as Miguel

Like, I get it he witnessed alongside Miguel, what happened in Earth TRN1042, so, okay, here I can see a reasonable reason why he signed up, but, Peter don't even protest or tries to cool down too much of Miguel's extress and anger issues, something kinda like: "pulling his leash" Peter asked him to go easy on the way he's gonna talk and explain the whole situation to Miles, Peter tried his best to make everything comfy as possible to Miles feel welcome at the Spider Society when he arrive, even by the fact that Miles is aware he wasn't supposed to be there in the first place, Peter owes Miles, he's the reason he's happier than ever with Mayday and MJ, but, once the situation got pretty damn messed up, i don't fucking know why Peter helded back too much in the story on not move a finger to directly protect Miles from Miguel's Attacks, like, Miguel is going full regalia to that kid's neck and surely, that choke slam terrified Peter, so, even if I understand Peter couldn't do nothing because of Mayday, it would be so freaking difficult, just to Gwen hold her and Peter actively stopin Miguel from hurting Miles, like: "Get your hands out of him Miguel, that's going too far and as I said: IT'S NOT WHAT WE'RE TALK ABOUT!" I have a theory that it's because of three reasons: 1° Peter didn't want to make Mayday see him actively fighting against a friend(specially by the fact that Mayday seems to like to spend time and play with Miguel, so, imagine how scared she probably could be if she saw her dad suddenly fighting in a brutal way her vampire uncle Spidey) 2° Peter is struggling and doesn't know what to do now, he in a kinda of way "suffered" in this movie, he's aware of what he's asking to Miles to do alongside other spidermans is fucking odd and too much to ask, but, Peter as I said multiple times, has the definitive vision and perspective on what Spiderman would truly do in a situation like that, Miguel and Miles are two sides of the same coin, whereas Peter already saw the bigger picture on everything that comes from such job, the good and the bad happens 3° Peter is probably aware that he's out of shape and pasted his prime, so, even if he actively fight Miguel, he wasn't sure he could win against him, Miguel is at the peak of his strength and sheer will, Peter past it and probably was Spiderman at the lowest profile ever after ITSV. Well, that are just my theory, which theory you think it's more reasonable for the lack of action that Peter has in this movie?


Zombie Spydurr-mayon


Decided to replay Spider-Man miles morales after already 100% completing the game just so I could get all the benchmarks III's


Payback time! [By me!]


does anyone know where i can buy the spider man suit that Miles bought in the store with Stan Lee


PsBattle: Cat stretching on the floor


PsBattle: Harpy Eagle looming over the camera


PsBattle: a cat putting his paws up
