Do you guys brush your Golden's teeth?

I've never brushed his teeth and I'm concerned by the yellow forming by the gums.

Read also:

Preparing to be a doggy daddy is hard work!


Puppy play?

Meet Axel! Our 11-week-old potato with fangs. I’m looking for suggestions on how/what to play with him. We have all different kinds of toys and puzzles, and are waiting on a flirt pole to be delivered. We do lots of sniffing and running in the backyard. We try fetch and chase the ball, but nothing holds his attention for longer than a couple of minutes. He was doing really well with ‘sit’ and ‘leave it’ and the last couple of days he has hardly been listening at all. Maybe he’s just a puppy and having some stubborn days. But he just seems kind of bored. What did your golden puppy love to do other than shred all of your appendages/furniture/clothes?


Get you someone who looks… err smiles.. err sleeps… idk, just get you someone who is like this goober! His name is Thor


She’s a good dog


OPM reference from The Vampire Dies In No Time #61


One spider man (by Drawsmile)

Artist: @drawsmile2093 -


Check out what my GF made for my birthday!

Shes the best.


Punch #31: the big prediction


Do you recognize this scene in OPM?

Was watching mob psycho 100 and saw this. Was just curious if this scene was actually from the manga


Letter on Metal Bat’s belt?

Silly question but In the recent chapter I noticed the letter K that Metal Bat has on his belt. I don’t really remember seeing it in previous chapters, is it new? And does it have any meaning/significance? or is it just a random part of the design
