It says “purchased” instead of “+ In library”, does this mean I can play saints row after my membership ends?

Read also:

It's finally here and it looks amazing🤩


Will yellow component work on one of these?


Wow I didn’t know a collection like this was on PS5

Didn’t know this existed on PlayStation 5 well this will be a lot of fun considering me being a retro fan of the classics. I grew up with Sonic so this is rad!


What can I do with my points, and where?


Cool Ps5 feature my 4 year old noticed.

not sure if this has been posted before, But I haven't seen anything on here yet about it. My 4 year pointed out on the controller that she was player #2 because of the amount of lights lit up on her controller and that i was player #1 because in only had 1 light bar.


can these bottom fans break?


Made a custom Spider-Man controller thoughts?


Why is my analog stick scratching????

My joystick stick sounds like it’s scratching on something. Especially when it’s only halfway to the edge (I tried cleaning it and making it wet helps for a second but it continues HELP!!!)


Is there any other way to check hours played on ps4?


Dose anyone know what kingdom hearts this is

Plz help I wanna figure this out so I can play as opium Mickey
