Homemade KFC Famous Bowl

My partner said it did not look good... tell me she's wrong!

Read also:

Butter cookies

My son tried to make me butter cookies and this is how they came out. 🤣


Brat on bread [homemade]


Pic of ramen noodles at -30: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories


Fried Rat Dinner


Nailed it


Chicken & Garlic flavored Rice-A-Roni with actual chicken breast and canned sweet peas added.


Mad lad sings Dumb Ways to Die while juggling wasp nests


Please help! Neighbour suspected of poisoning cats

The image isn't perfect because it's extremely zoomed in, but you can see there's a small red bowl with what seems to be water in it. Yesterday, my neighbour (not suspected one, but a cat lady) told me two of her cats have recently died and one is severely sick, she strongly believes they were poisoned. She's not the only one this happened to. She suspects a neighbour living right next to us (old woman who hates cats) so I've been keeping a watching from my own home. Just minutes ago this morning I saw the old woman go to the bowl and fill it. I didn't see all of it, but the second time she went over the bowl, it seemed to be water that she filled it with (I am not sure at all). I've got my own 1 year old cat. We try to not let her go out, but we taught her to go play in our the garden. She never leaves the garden, except during sunset, where she always jumps to that neighbour's garden (suddenly feeling explorative I assume). She always was nice to us and our cat so I didn't want to suspect her even though she does indeed dislike cats in general. I'll be so much more careful now but I still need to do something about this, I'm really scared for my little companion and all the neighbourhood cats. Could anyone tell me if my suspicions could be founded or not? What type of "water poison" mixture could attract cats? I really don't see what could be in there but I can't accuse without being able to explain why. Please help us save our kitties!



This post is kinda similar to that one of the cat licking a donut from a few days ago. But I was eating Doritos in my room and my cat always likes to know what I’m eating and stuff. Left the room to go to the restroom, came back and he ate a piece of Doritos. Idk what can happen, idk if that’s gonna harm him, should I be worried?


Rescuing a stray?

This is our 5 year old Felix. He’s got no front claws (we rescued him this way) we’ve had him about 4 years. He’s very loved and showered with attention. He hates being alone. He gets anxious when he knows we’re leaving then walks around screaming for a little while before settling down. So we’re thinking of getting another cat. When we rescued him one of the little bullet points was “gets along with other cats” or “likes other cats” but after being the only cat in the house for so Long can this cause problems? There’s a tuxie stray at work I’ve been feeding. She looks young, like maybe 1 or 2 years. I’m thinking of bringing her home. I work for the city and could get them to catch her, spay her, give her vaccinations and an overall checkup. Which they do for all strays. Is it ethical to take her off the street which she’s used to? Is it hard to get them to then adapt to living in a house? Or with another cat? She’d be strictly indoors because there’s hawks and other large birds in our area. It’s a 3 bedroom house so there’s plenty of room for them. Felix has just been so Perfect I’m afraid of disrupting that. At the same time I think he’d like the company. I know it would take some work to introduce them but is it a possible nightmare that im chancing? Any advice tips or even opinions are welcome.
