The World Boss was worth it today.

Bone-Caged Barding armor.

Read also:

Urn of aggression buffed


Killing the Treasure Goblin rocks


Never seen these drop before

Wish the stats were better. I would consider a spec change if they were.


Bone spear necro, which one y'all rolling with?


Which one do I run? 60% seems like a lot Lmao


Which is better?

Just after some opinions as to which is the preferred option for TB rogue - poison imbue. Cheers


Why can't I upgrade this ring?

After like 30 levels I finally got a ring that rolled well for me--spent a ton of gold and resources to get vulnerable damage. I slapped a max Echoing Fury aspect on I'd been saving. Then, I took it to the blacksmith to max it out, but it's greyed out. Did I do something wrong? Is there an un-upgradable tooltip I'm missing? Do I have to do things in a certain order? I've always followed this same process for my items with no issue until now: re-enchant affix >> if happy apply aspect >> max upgrade at blacksmith. Thanks in advance for any help or constructive criticism.


Finally found a keeper…

Would you change anything? Bone spear necro with lidless. Applied aspect is highest roll splintering.


Lost 56,000,000 Seeds of Hatred to a Server Disconnect

As the title says my fiancée and I both lost over 50,000,000 Seeds of Hatred when we lost connection to the server, and I'm not salty about it at all. 😆 And I know some of you probably think we cheated, or hacked, or whatever to acquire that many Seeds of Hatred but I'm telling you right here and now we earned them 100% fairly. We jumped a random Level 77 Player who was extracting Seeds of Hatred and folded him like a wet paper sack. Dude barely had time to react before he hit the ground like a sack of potatoes. I'm pretty sure that guy was cheating in some way, but we weren't. We just scored the ultimate haul. Honestly considering how quickly he died, I'm wondering if he wasn't hacking but rather paid for a boosting service. Also! Did manage to blow through a few million on items at the vendor and got all the cosmetics, so no complaints about the millions lost forever.


Anon meets a Chad
