why is this essential for my kitchen and what delicious moments can i make with it?

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What is it?

This was given to me as a gift, but I'm unsure of what the proper name of this device is. Does anybody here know what this device is called?



What kind of bone is this? Maybe 8-10 inches long.


What kind of antenna is this?

I just bought this house in Pleasanton, California and the guy who I bought it from was super concerned about security, and also loved weird technology. I have remove so much cabling and locks from the house because he was sort of a “doomsdayer”. What is this antenna and why does it have a node in the middle? Is that like some sort of motor?


What's going on here?

Please throw some knowledge my way on this damm issue...ants are all over these lillies..mainly the ones with this on the the underleaf....help plz...


Any idea what this tools is used for?


What is this? Found in my dads work.


what is this sharp tool and how do i clean it?

a friend gave me this thing before he went off to go be a monk. it’s quite sharp, surgical steel, made in Pakistan. what’s its name? what’s it for? what’s the handle made of? what are its different parts (the curly bit and the hole)? where should it be kept or displayed? thank you!


This is super creepy, and old looking. What is it, and why do I feel so creeped out by it?


Found this as a planter base in home, on top of it a wood planter box but it disintegrated xd


Bug bite ? I thought maybe a Mosquito bit me but it’s hot to the touch. in Northern California around 9pm
