Is this a bug?

These were condensed in one area of my sleeve. They were scratchy and very hard to remove and they were not moving.

Read also:

Who is them (Florida Panhandle)


whats this lil thing i saw on my wall


What's this mite(?)?

Is this fuzzy looking guy a kind of mite? Or a big tick? Or a juvenile stage of something else? Found in small suburban garden in the UK Midlands


Saw a bunch of these large spiders, anybody know what they are? (Eastern Taiwan)


Who this lad climbing on top of my window


Found in the bathroom in Southern California, USA. Google says Gisborne cockroach, but says they’re only in Australia/NZ?

Largest roach we’ve seen


Is this a cockroach?

Wife and I recently moved into our home in Tennessee. We live in an extremely rural area. Late tonight I found this crawling on our sink. From the pictures I found online, it kind of looks like a German Cockroach. Is that what it is? Should I call an exterminator?


Is this venomous?

Landed on me while I was on a boat in Vietnam haha :,)


Big ass moth thing? Mojave desert.

Dude was feasting on nectar from my flowers.


Found in our sheets. It's suuuuper small. Like I needed max zoom to barely see it. Could it be a bedbug? Moscow Russia
