Peter, I don't get it

Read also:

Heil spez


My dad sanded my cars hood without telling me

My car did have some rust spots on the hood, I own the car and was looking into places to get my hood repaired. My dad said he would paint it himself a week ago and I said NO very clearly. He is not trained in car repair, has no experience, and no equipment. Today he stole my car keys and decided to sand it down without letting me know. Now I have to get the entire hood repainted.


Looks like some kind of beetle, also is it safe to handle with bare hands?


Please tell me this isn’t what I think it is! NW Arkansas

My sister sent me this picture at our house and of course my mind went to the worst, so I wanted to post and get an actual ID before I started burning my house down lol sorry about the quality it’s the only picture she took and this was the only bug we’ve found this far.


Came back from vacation to this guy. Do I attempt catching and relocating it outside? (WA state)

It’s almost 3 inches across. I used to identify as arachnophobia. Not the exposure therapy I prefer 😭


Approximately 1 cm bug in California, likes dark places, I only ever find them inside houses


Dog tried to eat this spider

I tried to look it up common spiders in Nebraska and couldn't definitively ID this spider. Should I be worried about my dog? She spit it out pretty quickly, but I don't know if it bit her, tasted bad, or just tickled her mouth. Thanks.


What is this spider?

Found this in my bathroom. Identification apps call it a rabid wolf spider, but they don't seem common in Minnesota?


Weird bug with a long neck, what is it?

Pictures not the best but I found this guy in my dorm room and I’m not too sure what it is. It’s really tiny too, and it’s sitting on my Apple Pencil case for reference.


Honeybee or wasp?

I don't know if this qualifies. Help me settle a debate with my significant other. Honeybee hive or yellowjacket/wasp nest?? They're not aggressive and they zoom around sweetly all day. I feel like the answer is obvious but y'know..... Inland northwest USA. Yes it's behind steps/under siding.
