i, robota

Read also:

You done lost your tensors buddy.


Bing is not like the other girls


Was making a joke prompt and chatGPT just casually generates this lol.


Just the information I was looking for!


Got this for a conversation title and now I know how they make the conversation titles!

I was asking for help retaining to D&D and it just goofed on me


ain't no way


The syntax to have ChatGPT show any image

![Smiling Person](https://source.unsplash.com/featured/?smiling%20person) The above syntax will have ChatGPT show any image. I told it I was a teacher, asked it the code for HTML, and then asked it how it would insert an image. It provided the above code response, and then asked it to do it without code. It writes it and then once it's finished writing the chat converts to an image. It was quite happy to show any image I fed it.


Anyone else getting weird chat titles?


Syntax to show photos and videos in ChatGPT (and any markdown)

Any markdown seems to work, including photos and video. Here's a chat where it's happy to show a video. You can also feed it links (NSFW included) and it'll show it. It will also find and show videos and images. https://chat.openai.com/share/3d6afd22-3544-4cb7-b2f1-1aaa628c2c14 [![](https://markdown-videos-api.jorgenkh.no/youtube/dQw4w9WgXcQ)](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Is this bugged? Why am I unable to change my first prompt?
