What is this

I was walking in the yard and I saw a pile of the puppies poop and it was covered over with something strange which is all inside the actual poop and I can’t make out what it is

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Infection after surgery

Hi, my Bernedoodle is 5 and had obstruction surgery to remove grass that blocked his duodenum on Monday. He started having some fluid build up last night and leaking this AM. The leakage is bloody fluid, it’s fairly light but even after they tried draining a small amount is still leaking. Went to the vets this morning and they gave antiobiotics - Clavamox. The vet did an ultrasound and said they don’t think it has spread. They said the wound looks ok - see picture above. He is still eating and his behavior is suddenly (past hour) acting a bit weird and evasive with me, like standing a lot and not relaxing and pacing. Is that something of concern? I think he’s probably in discomfort. He has been wearing a cone the entire time except on walks but I don’t think he has licked the wound. How could the infection happen? He has been resting a lot since Monday but one day he jumped on the bed. Anyone ever had a similar situation? How worrying is the infection? Is it life threatening? Am extremely worried so any advice or thoughts appreciated.


I think my dog is sick

This is also what her puke looked like if that helps. For reference my dog is a 4 year old spayed female Australian cattle dog beagle mix who weighs approximately 40-45 lbs who I’ve had for almost 3 years. Last night she was completely fine, she wasn’t lethargic she was eating and drinking with no problem, then today while I was in class my mom told me she was getting sick all over the house. I came home to see my mom scrubbing the carpet while my dog was outside. I found some poop behind the kitchen table half eaten. Her puke smells like poop and is almost kind of musucy. She probably threw up everything in her stomach. I let her have a little bit of water and not even 3 hours later she threw it all up. To my knowledge she hasn’t gotten ahold of anything but who know if she did while she was home with my mom. I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to give her something else for her to throw right back up. Other than not being able to keep anything down she’s 100% her normal self. Thank you in advance for reading all of that and sharing your advice, opinions, and suggestions.


My dog keeps bitting her tail 😔

Hi Reddit friends, as the tittles says my dog has been bitting her tail and I’m not sure why. I looked at her tail and she has made it bleed. Is this an emergency? I’ve only had her for 11 months she’s a 7 year old Schnauzer. This is the first time she has done this.


Advice on fixing carpet

Hi guys, my Akita puppy has chewed multiple spots in our carpet. Sadly, we live in an apartment complex so we need to fix this ASAP. Does anybody have any tips or recommendations? Please help!


Is whitening of the face always indicative of getting old?

We rescued this handsome boy, Hamlet, about 3 years ago from the local county animal shelter. We were told at that time he was about 1-2 years old. The past year his face has been getting whiter and whiter. Does this mean he’s older than they guessed?


Smaller mixed breed with likely dermatitis caused by seasonal allergies, advice or tips please?

So my I-dont-know cattle dog or possible staffy terrier mix (female, spayed, about three and a half) had a vet visit today to try to figure out her sudden, intense itchiness, and the vet confirmed that it's likely dermatitis via pollen. She is going on apoquel for a two week trial to see if it helps (best option based on her symptoms) My question is, for anyone who has a pup who deals with bad itchiness a few times a year, what have you found that helps them be more comfortable? I wipe her down after walks and before bed and that definitely helps, I just thought I'd ask here for more advice to help her out until the meds take effect and longer term in case it's not a solution for her. Thanks!


Black mole appeared, desperate need of advice!

Hey! I’m a little worried about my pup, I was petting him today and felt a lump. I was wondering if any of y’all have any clue as to what it could be, I will be scheduling an appt to get it checked out but I’m so scared and would very much appreciate any guidance y’all can give…


Red/feckled brown spot that appeared on puppys neck. Anyone ever see this before that can help identify?


Black scab like spot on skin

Hard to get her to stay still for a pic, but what is this black spot on her skin that feels like a scab? Noticed it a week or two ago and seems like it might be getting slightly bigger


Skin color change?

My dog (5-6yrs old) had three lumps removed from his skin. One here at this bald spot pictured and two on his back. When he came home, the freshly shaved spots had pink skin underneath. As weeks have gone by, the skin that was shaved has become darkly spotted. In one spot on the back, it’s become completely dark skin. No discomfort associated with any shaved region. My husband and I adopted him 5mo ago and don’t know his back ground. We believe he’s a shepherd/border collie mix? Anyways, does anyone know why this change in skin color would occur?
