New Mexico governor declares that the 2nd amendment no longer applies.

Read also:

Are these roundworms?

Basset mix, 4 years old. Very small amount of stool and this was in it this evening. Worried my guy might have some worms. Sorry for not having more photos.


Normal dog pee or blood?

I've just come across this dog pee and I think it's from my mother's 13 year old female Chihuahua. It doesn't look normal to me, is there anyone who knows if this is blood or is it just normal urine? Any advice would be appreciated.


My Dog's Eye Isn't Moving Properly

My 13 year old beagle's right eye is not moving properly. We tried to get him into the vet but there are no appointments available anywhere near us within a 50 mile radius. What can I do to treat this? Is this an emergency? This all seemed to start yesterday. His eyes have been red for a few days but it didn't seem to bother him and seemed to be resolving and now this. Help!


I have a 11 year old Yorkshire terrier who started peeing when they get relaxed. Is this normal for an older dog if so should I get her dog diapers?


Dog drooling excessively

My big girl has been in excessively drooling for the last 8 hours or so. It started last night when we were sleeping and I woke up with her drool all over me. She is still drooling A LOT. this has never happened before. Her behavior is completely normal she’s been playing as usual and had normal urine/bowl movement after breakfast. The only real thing that’s changed is that I gave her a spoonful of 100% pure pumpkin for enrichment last night and she’s never had it prior. Is she maybe allergic?


My dog won't eat her bone

My dog Z loves to shred, and will shred anything she can get her paws on. We're good about only letting her shred things she's allowed to, but it makes a mess so we've been trying to find an alternative. We bought a pack of bones and were excited because she would chew on them, but now she just buries them around the house. I know she loves chewing because she is always shredding, any advice on how to get your dog to chew their bones instead of bury? Or should I just find more shredding material?


Do her nails need to be clipped?

Previously the groomer would do her nails, bath, and anal glands, but its easier for me to do the last two myself when she needs it so I've stopped bringing her. I'm a bit scared to clip her nails as last time her quicks were way more advanced than they looked and I hit 3 of them before giving up.


What is this

I was walking in the yard and I saw a pile of the puppies poop and it was covered over with something strange which is all inside the actual poop and I can’t make out what it is


Infection after surgery

Hi, my Bernedoodle is 5 and had obstruction surgery to remove grass that blocked his duodenum on Monday. He started having some fluid build up last night and leaking this AM. The leakage is bloody fluid, it’s fairly light but even after they tried draining a small amount is still leaking. Went to the vets this morning and they gave antiobiotics - Clavamox. The vet did an ultrasound and said they don’t think it has spread. They said the wound looks ok - see picture above. He is still eating and his behavior is suddenly (past hour) acting a bit weird and evasive with me, like standing a lot and not relaxing and pacing. Is that something of concern? I think he’s probably in discomfort. He has been wearing a cone the entire time except on walks but I don’t think he has licked the wound. How could the infection happen? He has been resting a lot since Monday but one day he jumped on the bed. Anyone ever had a similar situation? How worrying is the infection? Is it life threatening? Am extremely worried so any advice or thoughts appreciated.


I think my dog is sick

This is also what her puke looked like if that helps. For reference my dog is a 4 year old spayed female Australian cattle dog beagle mix who weighs approximately 40-45 lbs who I’ve had for almost 3 years. Last night she was completely fine, she wasn’t lethargic she was eating and drinking with no problem, then today while I was in class my mom told me she was getting sick all over the house. I came home to see my mom scrubbing the carpet while my dog was outside. I found some poop behind the kitchen table half eaten. Her puke smells like poop and is almost kind of musucy. She probably threw up everything in her stomach. I let her have a little bit of water and not even 3 hours later she threw it all up. To my knowledge she hasn’t gotten ahold of anything but who know if she did while she was home with my mom. I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to give her something else for her to throw right back up. Other than not being able to keep anything down she’s 100% her normal self. Thank you in advance for reading all of that and sharing your advice, opinions, and suggestions.
