Posting again since I still have no idea what this little guy is.

Found in Illinois. No visible eyes, has wings and hermit crab-like legs.

Read also:

[Midwest usa] what is this tiny guy that stung my baby in the belly?


Sorry about bad pic


What is this big space coast Florida

Huger grasshopper looking big near the butterfly house


Northern Virginia, rice grain size


Small Buggie

Found in a bathroom in Southern VA. Pretty small, but I've never seen one from here like this before. What buggie is it?


I think I’ll pass on picking the pears today.


Large spider pnw

We have lots of spiders - some tiny, some like this really large one. We have killed them often. This morning early this guy, and then another as I turned around after taking his photo. He must be a good 3” spread. What are they, does anyone know?


Found this guy in the corner of a pedestrian tunnel in Franconia Notch New Hampshire

I named him Lafayette


Who’s this cool beetle in Southeastern VA? About 1.5-2in long


great picture, i know. walked through some brushy plants while feeding my chickens and got covered in these little guys. adults in red and (presumably) nymphs in orange. absolutely tiny. virginia. anybody got any ideas? they didn’t bite or sting.
