Robinhood customer service is par excellence for my gf

Read also:

You'll own nothing and be happy.


Im I retardee enough to join the club

APPL calls in da morning and META puts the rest


Lost his house to fat fingers! Ate too much at Wendy’s


Cars outperforming the SP500


NVDA CEO Jensen Huang Just Sold $42 Million Dollars Worth Of NVIDIA Shares - Last Time He Sold Shares January 2022 Stock DOUBLED


"You have chosen wisely"

Here are reasons why investors may consider investing in cannabis stocks: 1. Potential for High Growth: The cannabis industry is relatively young and has significant growth potential, especially as more countries and states legalize its use. 2. Diversification: Including cannabis stocks in your investment portfolio can help diversify your holdings, spreading risk across different industries. 3. Expanding Legalization: As more regions around the world legalize cannabis for medical and/or recreational use, it can lead to increased market opportunities for cannabis-related companies. 4. Innovation and Research Opportunities: The cannabis industry is evolving, with ongoing research into its medical applications and the development of new products and delivery methods. 5. Job Creation: The cannabis industry has the potential to create jobs in various sectors, from cultivation to retail to research and development. 6. Consumer Demand: There's a growing consumer demand for cannabis products, including both medical and recreational. 7. Potential for Ancillary Businesses: Besides companies directly involved in cannabis production and distribution, there are also opportunities in ancillary businesses like technology, packaging, and consulting. 8. Economic Impact: The cannabis industry can have a positive impact on local economies, generating tax revenue and supporting businesses in related industries.


Stonk Wars


This subreddit every weekend


He looks handsome tho


I have to agree with this tweet unfortunately
