On a post on r/no saying are trans people bad

Does this violate rule 10?

Read also:

And don’t forget student loans


This would be funnier if it wasn’t so dangerous


I'm so happy with that new serie! I bought the box of 6 and got a very good selection.

I'll probably try to get Agatha and Storm tho.


Name Him

I'm thinking Draculus


I'm so happy with that new serie! I bought the box of 6 and got a very good selection.

I'll probably try to get Agatha and Storm tho.


Help - starry night step 84

I need help with step 84 of starry night on page 189 of the guidebook. As I built it, I have a piece in the way of adding the new piece in step 84 and don’t have a way to click it in. Did anyone encounter this or do you know what I did wrong? Thank you!


Now that new Storm CMF is out, I finally understand LEGO capes, updating Batman next


Dolly and Dylan from 101 Dalmatian street


New Head + Old Body = Perfect Storm


Change the snow to dirt?

Where could we buy pieces exactly like the white ones on this "ramp" and change the snow to dirt? We aren't so much the skier type, my hubby is all about the mountain biking though! So we want to make this like a mountain bike track instead. It's the Lego city ski and climb set.
