Bahamas from space: blending art and science with space photography

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Photo I took of the Moon

Specifically, the Mare Nubium hand surrounding craters. I took it with my 8” Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope and a ZWO ASI224MC using stacking with Autostakkert and sharpened with Registax . I labeled relevant features as well. Tell me what you think!


By sheer chance, I captured a JetBlue flight transiting the Blue Supermoon while I was shooting it. Thanks to the power of the internet, I was able to track down the flight crew and share it with them. They were thrilled!


I've pointed my camera for 20h to take this image of The Running Chicken Nebula, only visible from the southern hemisphere. I have always struggled to find the resemblance with the chicken though... 🐔✨


Jupiter and Io last night (OC)


Jupiter and its moon Ganymede in InfraRed


What is this small cluster near this bright star

I like going all the way out here on a clear sky, and this tiny cluster always welcome me. It is always the index finger length if your thumb is on the bright star.


c/s pups to the right


Triumph that isn't a convertible

1973 GT6 mk3 in the shop for a safety inspection


Brake pads are meant to be changed when they are all gone, right?


Looks like I found my next car
