How is pennywise got to do with roblox?

Read also:

Posted in r/techsuportgore but would be better suited for r/DIWhy, A lighter example but still.




ON THE FREEBIE, PINCH ME SITE, I KEEP GETTING THIS ERROR, ANYONE KNOW HOW I can fix it? Waiting for an email from support. Thanks. SS below.


I Think Coltrane Gonna Get 30 Tonight


Do I sound

What this is Is stupid I shall be gone in the sense that living isn't fake but a fabrication for enjoyment of one own accord or forced upon by a greater force that shall control the actions of ones individual thoughts forcing them to believe what they do isn't planned or controlled or yet this could be fake then thought processing what isn't fake is impossible since no matter what is come up with there is no answer and life is meaningless so without purpose those who believe that they can excel in enjoyment and or happiness to the mind shall then believe that there is purpose with the false sense of knowing enough or not enough but will try to strive forward and fail as the is no reason to but as they do not realize the purpose does not exist and the reason doesn't seem non existent they will try to live as happy as possible or to survive well some stronger and or smarter then other everyone has there own greats and flaws everything they come up with does not hav or need meaning If one things in the whole universe needed meaning then life couldn't be described as no meaning or meaningless but as it stands none of this matters as no afterlife can be proven but yet God is in "act" as no proof shown can help with that statement When one dies after realizing life is useless to keep on going they can realize the potential and if one is great enough well living they can realize that life has potential but as no one would know how to unlock or even comprehend the potential life has since we're stuck in an unexplainable void that doesn't exist and is fabricated through the eyes of those who understand and yet none of them exist which is impossible yet happening to life's time physical representation and psychological representation yet those do not exist as life's meaningless but the ones who refuse to accept such a easy to not understand part of what I hav typed then are the normalized ones by the ones to hav existence yet not existing but one cannot can't


Found in r/nope complaining about the lack of detergent in his weekly shop

Given how this sub usually goes, I expected there to be a tarantula or something in there. Sadly, just a half empty bottle of Ariel.


On the gorebox subreddit ( gorebox is a game)


This person is confusing LostRedditors for a CircleJerk sub.




i was lost
