Good times were had by all.

Read also:

Stay trippy little hippie,Handpainted Vinyl record


Picked up a stray three days ago. Say hello to Ferguson

Took this boy to the vet today came back with a clean bill of health. My son had been begging for a cat for a while and I scooped up this dirty kitten from a busy street- in front of his school bus no less. He’s a very snuggly and sweet little boy. He’s named after the street I found him on! Should he be nicknamed Gus or Fergie?


My mugshot from two years ago following a massive PCP/benzo overdose and before homelessness and a trip to prison. I'm now two years sober, living a wonderful life and happier than I ever thought I'd be!


Happiness is staying up so my baby boy can get some peaceful sleep💙

I'm struggling with my mental health, but these moments are worth living for💕


After getting laid off twice in six months, and moving my family to a crammed apartment in a new city for a job I didn't like, I'm now at a job I love and buying my dream home. It has a bathtub.


It's tht time of the week tht we all keep waiting for!So lets chill, unwind, catch up with friends or just sleep alot, whatever makes you happy, the main thing is "do what makes you happy". You can only takecare of others if you are happy,so tc of yourself first. Have a FUNNY weekend. KeepSmiling)


Happy for New Opportunities and achievement of goals

My hubby and I have both recently changed jobs. It was a long time in coming and he was very uncomfortable and unhappy with his previous position where he was working. When we graduated from college we both had degrees that at the time were hard to break into. This included accounting as my hubby graduated in the height of the 2008-2009 recession. So we got married after I graduated and he practically gave up on his dream of working as an actual accountant/financial analyst. I still pushed him to study and volunteered him to try to apply regularly and to still have passion for the numbers that he had when he graduated. To make a long story very short he worked at his old job for 13 years and has ultimately hated it for the last 7. He never thought anything would change and was very unhappy with the way his life has turned out post degree. He was happy with his life as a husband and father but the job he was working gave him no joy. I still pushed him to apply and interviewed regularly because I could tell when we talked numbers at home he would light up and keeping us out of the red has always helped us in so many aspects of our marriage and being generous in the ways we could be. This summer it finally happened, he got a call back and was hired to at as an accountant. He would regale me with the things he was doing and the light and passion he has for the numbers has made him giddy on a regular basis. Yesterday marked his final day at his long time job. To which we know served us well but has left him heartsick in so many ways on to something so much better all around!! I am so happy that he gets to finally have this opportunity to enjoy what he does career wise and while I also started a new job I want to bask in his huge transition as it's been 13 years in the making.


i used to not understand these things but i solved my lack of closet space issue!

i need to put the banner thing somewhere else now, where it can actually be read, but now i have room for all the "hand me downs" my roommates keep throwing at me 😂


poor spurs can’t catch a break


Outjerked by FPL
