Household GME investors are definitely getting fucked with.

Read also:

Did we ever figure out exactly what these " transitions costs " were?

I assumed these were from breaking leases early or fire sales on inventory etc. I also assume these are a one time cost and done now. Fun note if gme was taking the short term route they would have skipped this and posted a profit this quarter. I'm super excited for Q3 in 87 days..


Still rent free

Borked the math on the last one, and then again trying to get it right this time. Still over a century lel Bound to be wrong again so here's my napkin math for transparency: 2.8 x 427 = 1195.6 ergo 427 Qs 4 Qs pa, so 427/4 = 106.75 years


Bot food 💜


Hello Ryan


Impeccable timing with some of this weeks announcements.


Got my DRS Advice from ComputerShare this morning! Looks different?


Bit of a weekend trip down memory lane. To me this will go down as one of the strangest parts of the whole saga. They tweeted this weeks before the collapse. Hopefully we get the true story one day in RC's memoir or something.


Well this seems desperate.

Just got this ad served to me on Instagram. I took one for the team and it went to a completely different company (game players club). Why broadly feature a GameStop storefront in the ad?


Tell me who or what is your inspiration to hold. This is my fight back to mEdiA. Best comment wins this shirt size M and some stickers 🦍🤲💪

I am a zen ape but this week I'm pissed and buying and DRS ing my new GME shares, it makes me feel better. I love you all. I'm holding for my mom's retirement, for my kids university and their dreams, I'm holding so I can enjoy my life with my wife to travel the world helping others and doing good. I'm holding to have a home in South America and take a cup of coffee while listening to birds singing. If he's holding I'm holding. LFG!!!!


How is this not CLEAR CUT illegal behavior? I know we’ve seen incessant shadiness for years, but this seems finally brazen enough to be actionable, no?
