Anticonsumption is a sub for criticizing and questioning current consumption standards.
Here are a few suggested topics for discussion, criticism, and questioning:
Planned Obsolescence
Economic Materialism
Marketing, Advertising, and Branding
Conspicuous Consumption
Intellectual Property
Basic Rules
Be nice. Polite discussion is encouraged. No flame wars please.
Do not criticize the lifestyle of other users (unless you are requested to.) If you see a violation of this rule, report it.
No meta criticism of the sub. After several inane meta posts, I've decided to just slap them down before the malcontents pile in with more nonsense.
No Spam, etc. etc. ad nauseum
When linking critically to something posted in another sub, please use a "no participation" link.
Relevant Videos
Decadence: Money
The Story of Stuff
Chris Jordan: TED
How TV Ruined Your Life: Aspiration
Century of Self
PBS Frontline: Merchants of Cool U.S. Int.
PBS Frontline: The Persuaders U.S. Int.
Shop 'Til You Drop
Consuming Kids