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Rule 1: Images must be both blessed and cursed
If an image makes you happy, but then at the same time, frustrates or disgusts you, then it is likely blursed. Still not sure? Here is a compilation of some of the best blursed images
Rule 2: Title Guidelines
Titles must start with "blursed" or "blursed_". Titles should not exceed 5 words long (this means no sentences).
Rule 3: No text or memes
Memes, and submissions where text is needed to make the image blursed are not permitted.
A meme is defined as an image that follows repetitive meme formats, or could be posted and allowed on subreddits such as r/memes or r/dankmemes.
A good rule of thumb is that if you can’t cross out all the text in the image and still have it be blursed, then there is too much text.
Rule 4: NSFW, Offensive or Political Content
NSFW content is not allowed, and will be removed. Posting NSFW will incur a ban of at least 7 days.
Offensive content will be removed under this rule. This includes content such as: Nazi-related posts, racism, terrorism-related content, etc.
Due to it's divisive nature, political content is banned. r/BlursedImages is for admiring the most blursed images on the internet, not for waging political arguments, and we want to keep it that way.
Rule 5: No reposts
No Reposting posts that are under 3 months old, anything with a flair, or has more than 5k upvotes.
Chainposts are also not allowed and will lead to a ban of minimum 7 days. A chainpost is usually an image asking you to repost it. Here's an example.
Rule 6: No Videos/GIFs
Videos/GIFs are not allowed. Please go to r/blursed_videos for that.
Rule 7: No low quality images
This includes:
1) Distracting watermarks
2) Bad cropping
3) Low resolution images
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