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Cat Pictures Only
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Rules & Guidelines
1. Cats! Post pictures of your cats, talk about cats, ask questions, get advice.
2. We prefer that if you post photos, it be of your own cat(s) or one(s) you personally know. If clearly stated, photos of cat(s) you don't know is allowed, within reason. Lying and claiming/posting someone else's cat is/as your own will result in an immediate ban, with no warnings given.
3. No NSFW content and no animal abuse/cruelty.
4. No titles asking for upvotes (e.g. "This cat didn't get any love in /r/aww", "it's my cake day", "my first post here", "any love for ...").
5. Links asking for funding, competition votes or advertisement will be removed (see the list of subreddits below for a possible alternative).
6. Be civil. We have a strong, bright-line policy against insults, namecalling or harassment, and will ban you without notice for such conduct. If a photo has a person in it along with a cat, don't even think of being creepy or rude to that person. This includes any comments on people's appearance, either positive or negative!
7. Do not post personal information (this includes Facebook links as it can be easily traced back).
8. No meme, image macro, low-effort content. Original content is preferred. No image macros, memes, or similar low-effort content. You might want to check out r/MEOW_IRL and r/Catmemes for that.
9. Recent/Egregious reposts : Repost of recent or currently popular post from another subreddit for the purpose of farming karma (Rule 10).
10. Reposts are allowed (and crossposts are too, don't confuse them!), within reason.
11. No posts asking what gender your cat is, ask a vet!
12. 'Name my cat/kitten' posts are allowed, but require the correct flair + verification to ensure OC. You must set the flair of your post to 'Name Request' at the time of submission, failing to do so is in breach of this rule. Please submit your post before sending us a modmail - your submission will trigger an automated message which will contain the instructions required for your post to be approved.Your verification message will be left unanswered if you send us a modmail before you have submitted your post for us to review.
13. Mourning (RIP) posts are allowed. If you do not wish to see them, there are several filters in the sidebar to prevent them from appearing to you.
14. Merchandise posts are an instant, unreversable bannable offense. No, we don't care if you've contributed to the subreddit before or not. Post any merchandise, you will be banned forever and we will not reverse it. We're here for your feline friends, not your merchandise.
The moderators of this subreddit are not responsible for any medical advice given and we suggest that you don't follow or post it. Go see a vet! Please do not give medical advice to posters if you are not a medical professional with experience treating cats.
Some of these rules are based upon Reddit's site-wide rules, Reddit's TOS and Reddiquette.
For donations and adoptions visit /r/care, /r/assistance, /r/rescuecats or your local subreddits, i.e. r/city or state.
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Animal Subreddit Wiki | Cat Related Subreddits
Participating in covid disinformation subreddits is grounds to be denied access to this community.
In our experience people who frequent these types of subreddits do not participate in good faith and are not a good fit for the type of atmosphere we wish to foster on this subreddit.
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