For those times when people are way too smug about their wrong answer
1. Follow the reddetiquette
This is pretty self explanatory.
2. All posts must be on topic
You can't post things that clearly belong on another sub on here. Especially if they would be better posted in r/prematurecelebration or r/agedlikemilk
3. Don't be an ass
We are going to try and keep this sub as politically equal as we can, so chill with the right throwing temper tantrums at left-oriented posts and vice-versa.
4. Don't get TOO political
People are wrong in politics all the time, so post those on this sub. Just don't go crazy with your opinion. "This dummy said that you have to swear on a Bible" is different than completely insulting someone's political views. So be chill.
5. No Scripted Stuff
TV shows, youtube skits, the like, anything that was scripted isn't welcome, because it isn't genuine.
6. No Reposts
Pretty self-explanatory. If a post has been posted before, don't post it again
7. Censor Personal Information
Please Censor all personal information, to make sure no one online gets harrased.
Hover over the rules to view them.
Check out /r/PrematureCelebration!You'll also enjoy /r/IllogicalArgument!
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