1. No bigotry or harassment -
Bigotry is intolerance towards a person or group of people as a result of their identity. Harassment is repeated aggressive interactions with an individual. Neither of these behaviors are acceptable and will result in a ban.
2. No spambots -
The following may indicate that a user is a bot: new account, nonsensical username, no or irrelevant post flair, lack of profile customization, lack of commenting history, nonsensical comments.
3. Posts must be screenshots of Tumblr posts -
This subreddit is intended to share screenshots of Tumblr posts. If your post is not relevant, it will be removed. If the entirety of your post consists of a screenshot from another website posted on Tumblr, it will be considered irrelevant.
4. No recent reposts -
Before posting, try to ensure it has been at least 2 weeks since the post was last submitted to the subreddit. Recent reposts will be removed. When reporting a repost, please provide a link to the post it is a duplicate of in the comments.
5. Mark NSFW and spoilers -
Mark anything sexual, gross, or off-putting as NSFW. Mark any posts which could spoil a piece of media as a Spoiler. Reported posts will be marked by the mods if they deem it necessary.
6. Mark fandom posts with the relevant fandoms -
Any posts about a specific fandom should be flaired with the fandom name OR include the name of the fandom somewhere in the title. If the post is a Self-post Sunday post, use the Self-post Sunday flair instead.
7. Avoid spreading misinformation -
Posts containing mild misinformation will be flared with the “Misinformation†flair. Posts or comments containing serious misinformation will be removed.
8. Posts must be legible -
If a post is distorted, corrupted, extremely low definition, or otherwise cannot be read, it will be removed.
9. Do not post content from the blogs on the do-not-post list -
Blogs on the do-not-post list do not wish to have their posts shared to the subreddit. Posts from blacklisted blogs will be removed. If you wish to have your blog(s) added to the blacklist, please contact the moderators.
10. Self-posts on Sundays only -
Self-posting is posting a screenshot that contains content produced exclusively by yourself. These types of posts should only be submitted on Sunday's and must be flaired with the "Self-post Sundays" flair or they will be removed.
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