/r/DogAdvice: Keep That Tail Wagging!
/r/DogAdvice: Keep That Tail Wagging!

/r/DogAdvice: Keep That Tail Wagging!


Lu would like your suggestions on escape free harnesses please! We've tried Voyager and the Gooby escape free sport, and he successfully backs out of both. He's got a broad chest, similar to a pug\boston\frenchie build. Hit me with your faves please!!! Links are appreciated too 😃


My dog has a cut on his eye

My dog scratches his face a lot and his nails are way overdue being cut (he’s getting them done next week). I can’t take my eye off him without him scratching and I don’t doubt he does it when he’s home alone. I don’t know how to get him to stop scratching or how to help his eye.


New dog keeps scavenging when we leave

We’ve had him for about 3 weeks, he is extremely loving and patient with our little kids. He also listens to commands well. However he seems to have separation anxiety, and copes with it by scavenging everything. We have left him on our main floor while sleeping with a gate up. A couple times he has knocked over the gate and whined at our door. Then sometimes when we come down in the morning there is a loaf of bread half eaten. More recently we left for 1 hour(!) for a soccer game, and he chewed up a dirty diaper. He gets PLENTY of attention when we are here, and I work from home so that is 95% of the time. I am thinking a crate will be necessary while we are gone, and possibly at night (though Im worried about whining/barking while we sleep). I understand we just need to keep food put away, but I am wondering more about why the separation anxiety and how to address that directly?


Camping with my dog for the first time….

Hi beautiful ppl, My husband and I are going to take our 2.5 yr old dog with us to a 2 day camping… I adopted him about 3 months ago and we think we built a good level of trust and comfort with our dog but we are still searching to know more about what to do to make our camping experience more fun and safe for him. Any suggestions or guidance about below items are very appreciated: 1- what to bring with us for our dog? Food, Treats, warm blanket, high rise bed for outside of tent, mattress for inside the tent, what else? 2- any medications I can buy over the counter for god forbid any cuts/ insects bite? 3- we got our camp side beside the water, do u think he will need a life jacket if we go for a swim? 4- I got him extra long leash, do i need anything else? 5- anything else comes to mind that I missed? Thanks a million for ur comments and suggestions ❤️


hi, i badly need help. my puppy (3 months old) had an accident and fell of the stairs.

He fell from a spiral stair and it was really high so his right leg got broken and we already brought him to the vet and gave us 2 options: 1. Surgery. Costs around 15000-20000 Philippine peso but there's no assurance if my puppy can take and survive the healing process of the surgery since he's too young for it. 2. Natural healing with the help of supplements. Since the vet said that since he's young, the bones would naturally heal itself but there's no guarantee that he'll be able to walk or play normally again. I accept any suggestions or recommendations.
