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Do not violate DoorDash's ToS or deactivation policy. Anything that can get you banned from DoorDash will get you banned here.
Do not post personal or confidential information. This includes customer's addresses, photos, full names, phone numbers, etc. It also includes the full address of the restaurant the customer ordered from and close-up maps of the customer's house. If we can figure out where someone lives by what you posted, then don't post it.
Keep it professional. Do not harass or insult other users. No excessive language. Criticism must be constructive.
No off-topic posts. All posts must be related to DoorDash. Grubhub and other delivery services are NOT DoorDash.
Earnings posts are only allowed on Sundays. All posts about earnings, unicorns, and bad tips must only be posted on Sunday EST. Posts relating to monetary matters not posted on Sunday EST will be removed. Please post these to r/dashearnings on non-Sunday days.
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Read the FAQ before posting. Posts with questions that are answered in the FAQ will be removed.
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