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1. All posts must make an attempt at humor. Humor is subjective, but all posts must at least make an attempt at humor. Posts which are intentionally disruptive, inane, or nonsensical will be removed. Read more here. 2. No memes, HIFW, MRW, MeIRL, DAE, or similar posts. If your submission begins with "When you…" or "When they…" or anything of a similar nature, it is not allowed here. Submissions depicting or containing intentionally emulated behaviors (memes) are also not allowed, including memetic image macros, "challenges," or elements thereof. HIFW, MRW, TFW, MeIRL, demotivationals, eCards, and DAE posts are similarly disallowed. Non-meme image macros are allowed. 3. No reposts. Reposts will be removed at the moderators’ discretion. Serial reposters will be banned. Please use TinEye to determine if something has been submitted before. 4. No personal info, hate-speech, or harassment. No identifying information, including anything hosted on platforms making that information public. Posts encouraging the harassment of any individual, group, community, or subreddit will be removed, and the submitting user may be banned. If necessary, a report will be made to the site administration. In accordance with Reddit's policies, there is zero tolerance for this. 5. No politics or political figures. Anything involving politics or a political figure (regardless of context) will be removed. Try /r/politicalhumor instead. 6. No forbidden titles, low-effort titles, or posts about Reddit cakedays. (See below). No asking for upvotes (in any form), no “Cake Day†posts, and no posts to communicate with another Redditor. Posts with titles such as "I got banned from /r/___" or "This got removed from /r/___" are not allowed. For an inclusive list, please read the complete rules page. Low-effort titles, memetic titles, titles which circumvent other rules, and titles comprising excessive or disruptive emojis are similarly disallowed. 7. No gore, pornography, or animal cruelty. Gore, pornography, and sexually-graphic images are not allowed. Try /r/NSFWfunny. Animal cruelty is strictly forbidden. All other NSFW content must be tagged as such. 8. No unoriginal comics. Comics may only be posted on Wednesdays and Sundays (measured using Pacific Time), and only by their original artists. 9. No pictures of just text. Image-based submissions in which the humor can be conveyed via text alone are not allowed. This includes pictures of text with images that don't add necessary context, transcriptions of standup comedy (as with /r/standupshots), and screenshots of jokes. Here are some examples. Text posts using Reddit's native system are allowed. 10. No social-media content (including Reddit), electronic messaging content, or AI-generated content. Social-media content of any kind is not allowed. This include anything from any "comments section," as well as media accompanied by text from those platforms. Screenshots of electronic messages of any variety are not allowed. AI-generated content of any kind is forbidden. Read more. Please view our wiki for suggestions of where these submissions can be offered.Want to see /r/funny with these posts? Click here!
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What do I do if I see a post that breaks the rules? Click on the report button, and send us a message with a link to the comments of the post. What should I do if I don't see my post in the new queue? If your submission isn't showing up, please don't just delete it as that makes the filter hate you! Instead send us a message with a link to the post. We'll unban it and it should get better. Please allow 10 minutes for the post to appear before messaging moderatorsLooking for something else? Visit our friends!
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