Happy Reddit to make you happy
Happy Reddit to make you happy

Happy Reddit to make you happy


Stay trippy little hippie,Handpainted Vinyl record


Picked up a stray three days ago. Say hello to Ferguson

Took this boy to the vet today came back with a clean bill of health. My son had been begging for a cat for a while and I scooped up this dirty kitten from a busy street- in front of his school bus no less. He’s a very snuggly and sweet little boy. He’s named after the street I found him on! Should he be nicknamed Gus or Fergie?


My mugshot from two years ago following a massive PCP/benzo overdose and before homelessness and a trip to prison. I'm now two years sober, living a wonderful life and happier than I ever thought I'd be!


Happiness is staying up so my baby boy can get some peaceful sleep💙

I'm struggling with my mental health, but these moments are worth living for💕


After getting laid off twice in six months, and moving my family to a crammed apartment in a new city for a job I didn't like, I'm now at a job I love and buying my dream home. It has a bathtub.
