The sub is changed: I feel it in OC, I feel it in the comments, I smell it the upvotes... Much that once was OC, is lost, none now live who repost it.
Welcome to /r/lotrmemes, the place to shitpost all you want about Lord of the Rings, The hobbit, The Silmarillion and all other Tolkien related stuff. Here, we do not discriminate against memes, we accept them with open arms.
For all information on the upcoming TV series, visit /r/LOTR_on_Prime
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Only Tolkien-related shitposting.
Crossover memes are allowed, as long as a lotr element is present in them.
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We are pretty lenient towards reposts, but there are some posts that just get submitted too much to ignore. Check out this list of retired submissions before posting to make sure it's not in there already. If you find another post that should be added to this list, feel free to message the moderator team.
Posts requesting or encouraging any kind of vote manipulation or brigading are not welcome. But then again, this is a shit-post sub. Try to keep it to a minimum.
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